O5 - On-line Observatory

Processions of the Holy Week of Mendrisio

Cultural heritage sites, Cultural festivals

There are two main events that have been handed down from generation to generation for more than 200 years.
On the evening of Holy Thursday there is a representation of the passion of Christ.

On Good Friday, there are processions with transparent figures. At the time, Good Friday was proclaimed a day of mourning in the city. In this procession, confraternities, representatives of the clergy, the simulacrum of the dead Christ, other figures, music and angels parade.

Year of foundation

There is no accuracy as to when they were made for the first time, it is estimated around the end of 700 of the last century..



Size of event

The representation of Holy Thursday sees the involvement of about 270 participants including 40 on horseback. On Good Friday, about 700 people parade.

Supports to set up your event

The event counts on the support of several sponsors and those who take part in it are volunteers.

Pitfalls and challenges

Being an outdoor event related to specific dates in case of bad weather I must be canceled.

Opportunities and plans for the future

Due to the longevity and the peculiarity of the event, the procedure to enter as a part of the UNESCO intangible cultural heritage has been started.

191219 ProfilingTool ProcessioniStoriche-EN pdf
